Supporting sectors that directly impact the end users of public services
Healthcare Sector
The healthcare sector directly impacts the end-users of public services by providing access to medical treatment, disease prevention, and health promotion services. This sector includes hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, and other healthcare facilities.
Education Sector
The education sector provides access to quality education and training to individuals. This sector includes schools, colleges, universities, and vocational training centres. By improving the quality of education, this sector can enhance the employability and productivity of individuals.
Transportation Sector
The transportation sector provides mobility to people, goods, and services. This sector includes public transport systems such as buses, trains, and metro systems. By improving transportation services, this sector can enhance accessibility and reduce transportation-related issues such as traffic congestion.
Housing Sector
The housing sector provides access to affordable and safe housing for individuals. This sector includes social housing, affordable housing, and rental housing. By improving the availability and affordability of housing, this sector can enhance the well-being and living conditions of individuals.
Information and Communication Technology Sector
The ICT sector provides access to digital services and technologies such as internet connectivity, mobile phones, and computer systems. This sector enables individuals to access information, communicate with others, and access digital services.
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